Disclaimer: This all takes place after a long day at work, a 20 mile drive to get a new XBox 360 game for Aquaman, and a 3-4 mile run....
For those of you that have never had it, Chocolate Haupia Pie is great. It also happens to be a variation of Aquaman's favorite pie (chocolate pudding pie). So the other night he wanted to have Haupia Pie, and I thought it would be much more fun to make one than to buy one. So off to the store to get all the ingredients and a new pyrex glass pie pan.
We bring the ingredients home, make tacos, and start to watch the Hulk. While making tacos I roll out the pie crust (with a can of spaghetti sauce wrapped in saran wrap because we have no rolling pin, so a can of sauce is obviously the next best thing!), and place the crust in the new freshly washed pie pan. After the pie crust cooks (while I am eating tacos and watching the Hulk) I decide it is a good idea to start cooking the chocolate pudding and Haupia portion of the pie, so I place the cooked pie crust on top of the oven on one of the burners to cool down. Then I turn on a different burner (or so I thought) to boil water and milk for the Haupia and pudding, and I go back to shoving tacos into my face while watching the Hulk. In between bites (a few minutes later) I realize I never shut the oven off after baking the pie crust, so I carry my dinner plate back over to the oven to shut it off when I see my pie crust smoking and realize OH CRAP, I had turned on the burner underneath the glass pie pan instead of the pot I was trying to boil my water in!
Now this is not my first rodeo... I have done almost this same exact thing with a glass pyrex oven casserole dish cover when Aquaman was living in Washington, and I knew what was about to happen, but I had to try to stop it anyway. So I quickly shout OH CRAP! Grab the pie pan off the hot burner and set it down on another. Aquaman is on the move to see what is wrong when BANG!!!! It is like a gunshot went off, the pie pan explodes, and flying glass debris is shot everywhere! Most unfortunately into the tacos I still wanted to eat :(
Morals of the story 1) even though Pyrex is tough as nails, YOU CANNOT HEAT IT DIRECTLY OR IT WILL SHATTER! 2) It is probably not a good idea to shove food in your face while baking, and cooking, and watching a move. So no pie, no more tacos, and glass everywhere, even embedded in my legs. I was just lucky that it didn't hit me in the face and burn and cut me at the same time!
But don't worry, all this fuss did not stop Aquaman from quickly reminding me we should have just bought the premade pie to begin with, and driving to the store to get one, while I obsessed about glass being stuck on the counters and in my shoes. In all fairness he helped clean up the majority of the glass.
Hope you all get a chance to enjoy Chocolate Haupia Pie. Maybe I will try again with a metal pie pan!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Crash Bang
Pay Attention!!! To your driving that is! Aquaman and I went for a nice run up in the valley today. We did a few mile loop and then drove back through to clock the distance and get manapua for dinner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manapua). As we came up on an intersection we heard a loud crashing tearing noise and looked down the street to see a car jump a curb and flip up on its roof. This is a city street we are talking about... 25mph speed limit. We pulled over quickly and ran down the streets while calling 911. There was a guy stuck in the car and he was in total shock. I ran down to direct traffic out of the way until the medics and cops showed up, while Aquaman helped out at the scene. I think the guy was ok, he was moving around inside and they pulled him out. How scary!! He just drifted to the right curb, hit the curb and then a small tree (8-10 inches diameter and 15ft tall), and flipped over. It really makes you realize how important it is to pay attention to your driving all the time, even at slow speeds!! Be careful out there!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Happy 3rd Anniversary Aquaman!! I love you!!

Our third anniversary was also our first anniversary back in Hawaii. We both took a half day off and headed out to Waikiki where we first met, followed up by dinner at the Cheesecake Factory... Yum! We were going to head to our wedding spot on the west coast of Oahu, but the traffic is so bad we would have had to spend the whole time in the car. So we are waiting for the weekend to head up to the wedding site and watch the sunset. Thanks Hun! It has been a great 3 years! Love You!
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