Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Crash Bang

Pay Attention!!! To your driving that is! Aquaman and I went for a nice run up in the valley today. We did a few mile loop and then drove back through to clock the distance and get manapua for dinner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manapua). As we came up on an intersection we heard a loud crashing tearing noise and looked down the street to see a car jump a curb and flip up on its roof. This is a city street we are talking about... 25mph speed limit. We pulled over quickly and ran down the streets while calling 911. There was a guy stuck in the car and he was in total shock. I ran down to direct traffic out of the way until the medics and cops showed up, while Aquaman helped out at the scene. I think the guy was ok, he was moving around inside and they pulled him out. How scary!! He just drifted to the right curb, hit the curb and then a small tree (8-10 inches diameter and 15ft tall), and flipped over. It really makes you realize how important it is to pay attention to your driving all the time, even at slow speeds!! Be careful out there!


Anonymous said...

holy crap! scary.

jenny said...

scary is right. glad nobody else was hurt.