Monday, November 10, 2008

Weekend Update: Fun but scary

This weekend Aquaman and I borrowed a kayak and paddled out to Chinamans hat (a tiny but tall island). Just to give you some perspective as to the size (and steepness) of the island here is a picture from the paddle out. There are three people on the top of the island about as tall as the yellow I. It was a great paddle despite the fact we consistently drifted to the right and we hit paddles more than once. The climb to the top of the island looked like no worries... until we got there. Let's just say it was not ideal to be wearing wetsuit booties and if I were to do it again I would feel 1000 times more comfortable to be wearing a harness and being roped off. So despite thinking it was a stupid idea to climb the last 20 feet of sheer cliff to the top, we clambered up and the view was pretty great. We took some pictures and I spliced them together old school for you. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is amazing!! i love the pictures you spliced together. absolutely gorgeous.