Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Holidays in the Tropics

It is so weird that it is December and it is still 80º out. I am definitely missing the snow this holiday season. But I have to admit that it was nice to head to the beach this weekend to take our holiday pictures in "summer" clothes. Our friends were kind enough to take pictures for us, and take us to a new pub where we had dinner. The pub actually had mainland prices for food and drinks, which is awesome! They also had great wings!

This weekend was relaxing, but busy. Aquaman and I braved the crowds and headed out at 4:15 am to wait in "line" for a new microwave. We are moving to a new unfurnished apartment in January, so took advantage of Black Friday to get a microwave for $25 (originally $72). It was pretty nuts to see the crowds at 4:30am, and hear the roar of voices in the store as the sale started at 5. But wildest of all was the way people went at the sale items. There were workers lined up to cut open the pallets, and as soon as the worker nearest me started, people whipped out their own razor blades and started ripping at the wrapping like crazy. I felt like I was watching people looting somewhere. It was great to get our microwave and get out of there by 5:05!

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