Friday, August 15, 2008

New Home

Well I really can't complain about this new place I call home. It is sunny and ~80ºF all the time, I can see the ocean from my front door, and it is surrounded by coral reefs. What a difference from LA. I have not been honked at yet while driving, someone actually backed up out of the crosswalk for me while I was walking, and there is no smog. Sad but true, I was so used to the nasty stuff that when I drove to work the other day and saw how hazy it was it took me a few minutes to realized it was a small rain shower... NOT SMOG! There is the possibility to get vog which I guess would be some kind of volcanic induced smog. And mother nature's vog (in my opinion) beats pollution caused smog any day. So I took the camera out for the first time to an overlook on the other side of the island. Hopefully the picture quality will get better as I learn how to use the camera better, but for now here is what I call home.


jenny said...

your new home is beautiful! i can't wait to visit you guys at some point! :)

keep the updates coming!
love you!

Anonymous said...

beautiful! i can't wait to visit :)